Friday, October 7, 2011

Paper Rockets

Why am I talking about paper rockets?

Well, out of nowhere on a burning afternoon they made a sense to me, an idea to be exact, something which accidently popped out in my curious little head. It may seem completely stupid to some of you, but I still have to write this down….so please bear with me. ;)

Almost all of us have made paper rockets and watched them sail in the air in crazy patterns unexplained by the existing mathematical functions.

Apart from the awe inspiring scene of flight it offers, what if we can make them fly for a reason. I am not talking about proving Einstein or Newton wrong, what I mean is what if we can transfer a part of our life into this blood less material and see what happens when they fly out of our hands.  That is what “PAPER ROCKETS” is about.....

We all want to be happy. As a matter of fact we are living to be happy. To achieve this hard target in every possible way and keeping it together as long as we could. And of course we always fail doing that.

There are times when we are overwhelmed by joy and smiles and sunny days. And there are times when it’s dark and cloudy and we stand there with a static mind. This happens to me, you and everyone in an irregularly-regular basis.

There is no need for me to blabber about “How to spend your best times?” because there’s no need and you are the experts.

But people need help at their bad times. And this is what I can offer. Of course it won’t work for all of you.          But at least for a few, I hope it will be of some help.

                                                         Modus Operandi
Step 1

Take a piece of paper, clean enough to write and long enough to fold.

Step 2

Write down like a bucket list, your problems in shortest words possible with bullets or numbers.

Step 3

Make a rocket out of the paper with the written side concealed.

Step 4

Take a hike to a height anywhere you like.

Step 5

Let the rocket fly J

Now don’t look at it. Don’t try to trace it. Let it be on its own and just hope

Courtesy: The Shawshank Redemption

So hope that it has reached somewhere, long from you to someone strange. Maybe he/ she took it and read it and heard what you had to say and somewhere inside felt a bit for you.

Or hope that the one you miss has his/ her window opened and your messenger found there the right spot to hit.

Or hope that it made all the way across the clouds and got stuck in some angel’s wings. And she had them delivered to the big guy. And he reads it, thinks about it and sends someone down to your pit, with some magical dust to make everything..OKAY

P.S :- Just keep in mind the chances of rain, lightning bolts or someone using it as toilet paper. Well it all      depends on how the wind blows. :D